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Green Thumb or Not: Top Low Light Houseplants For Your Collection

Houseplants have been taking the world by storm lately. With benefits like lowering stress and improving the air you breathe, it's no wonder they are so popular.

The good news is that not all plants need a window full of sunshine to grow healthy and strong. In fact, there are quite a few plants that need little sunlight.

Do you want to be part of the houseplant trend but have a dark space and don't know what to look for?

Don't worry. We've got you covered with the best low-light indoor plants that even you can keep alive.

What Are Low-Light Plants?

When you think of indoor plants, you probably envision them sitting by a bright, sunshine-filled window. Not everyone has these sunny spaces in their homes. This is where low-light plants come in.

These plants do just what their title suggests. They can grow with very little sunlight, artificial light, or indirect light.

Want to know another benefit about these types of plants? They are usually more low-maintenance than other houseplants. If you are a new plant parent, these are excellent plants to start with.

The Best Low-Light Indoor Plants For Your Home

You have many choices when it comes to choosing the perfect low-light plants for your home. With so many varieties to pick from, you are sure to find one that matches your style. Combine your new plant in a stylish vase, and you'll have an accent piece that brightens up your darkroom.

Marble Queen Pothos 

Studio shot of our Pothos Marble queen

One of the best houseplants for dark rooms is the marble queen pothos plant. This plant got its name because of its heart-shaped leaves and long vines. 

This adaptable plant is super easy to take care of! The marble queen pothos does best when planted in well-drained soil. For best results, water this plant weekly in warmer months and twice a month in the winter.

If you want to add some extra pizazz to a room, put this plant in a hanging flower pot. The long leaves look particularly striking when they can hang down.

Other notable Pothos varieties that are low-light plants include Neon Pothos, Golden Pothos, and Silvery Ann Pathos.

Zamioculcas Zamiifolia “ZZ plant”

If you enjoy browsing social media for beautiful photos of luscious houseplants, chances are you've liked a photo or two of the ZZ plant. 

This Instagram-worthy houseplant grows well in low (or bright) lighting conditions and with frequent or much less frequent amounts of water. It makes sense that this plant is native to drought-prone eastern Africa.

The ZZ plant grows smooth, naturally glossy leaves that range from bright lime in their youth to emerald green in their maturity. 

Whether you're looking to add to your already robust plant connection or want to get started with something easy, the ZZ plant is a perfect choice for all plant lovers and spaces without much natural light.


Algerian Ivy

Algerian ivy (Hedera algeriensis or Hedera canariensis) is a sturdy, shade-loving plant. Native to western regions and islands of Africa, it is low-maintenance and adaptable to a wide range of climates and soil conditions. 

This fast-growing evergreen has thick, shiny, deep green, lobed leaves with reddish stems. Because of its quick growth, Algerian Ivy is commonly used outdoors to climb fences or walls. 

Most ivy plants require bright light to thrive, but Algerian Ivy is different in this way. Because of this, they make the perfect indoor plant for individuals looking for low-light plants that grow rapidly. 


Ponytail Palm

Named after its sleek bulb-like trunk and lush, long curly leaves, the Ponytail Palm (Beaucarnea recurvata) is drought tolerant, slow-growing, and requires very little care.

Ponytail palm trees tend to need bright light, so you might be wondering why this plant is on the list. Well, because it is such a tolerant plant, it still grows if you provide it with bright light about half the time. 

Taking care of the ponytail palm tree is fairly simple as long as you don't overwater it.

The entire plant can reach up to 30 feet in height. Not to worry if you don't have the room for that. When kept indoors, they rarely grow taller than 4 feet.

Thanks to its unique appearance, this plant is a great way to liven up a home!

Sansevieria Varieties

Commonly known as the Snake Plant, Sansevieria Trifasciata is a flowering plant that cam from West Africa, which is a tropical place. 

Snake plants are easy to grow and very tolerant of nature. These plants can survive well in low light and with less water than some other plants. An added bonus is that they are said to also purify the air by absorbing toxins!

With more than 70 types of Sansevieria, it won't be hard finding a Snake Plant to add to your home. Some of our favorites include Mohawk, Mother in Law’s Tongue, and Cylindrical.

The Mother in Law’s Tongue's upright leaves grows in the shape of a tongue with a thick texture.

Tips for Low-Light Plants

Although most of the plants on this list are hardy, they do need a little love from time to time.

If your plant needs infrequent watering, don't give them too much water when it is time to water them. Check the soil with your finger. Aim for soil that is slightly damp instead of making it waterlogged.

Pests are an enemy to your low-light plants! Keep an eye on them to make sure spiders and other pests aren't destroying them.

Most of the plants on this list can't be in the sun at all. Their leaves may burn in direct sunlight, so keep them in a darker place.

Get Your Low-Light Plants Today

You don't have to be a gardener to enjoy these durable plants. Low-light houseplants are usually easy to care for and work with any decor.

Are you looking for the best low-light indoor plants to call your own? Articulture has a wide variety to choose from.

Our wide selection of low-light plants will brighten even the darkest of places! Browse our selection today and make your home more vibrant!