Green Friday Sale - Extended
Friday was such a fun success (we’ve collected a LOT of Stryofoam y’all)….we’re extending it all weekend!
Any customer that brings in used batteries, Styrofoam, or packing peanuts will unlock discounts throughout the store, including:
50% off select holiday décor
30% off plants
25% off clothing and jewelry
20% off everything else
Articulture will ensure the Styrofoam and batteries customers drop off is recycled properly.
Q: What if I don’t have any used batteries or Stryrofoam that needs recycled?
A: Good question. We don’t want you to feel left out! Just bring two canned goods and you get the same great deals! (We’ll donate the goods to Central Texas Food Bank.)
This is our 3rd Annual Green Friday Sale…let’s make it our biggest and bestest yet!