ARCHI-talks: A free monthly architecture lecture series.
Tuesday, December 18th  |  Free  |  RSVP Required

This month features a special panel presentation, with speakers:

Alan Holt, AIA, Principal Planner, City of Austin Urban Design Division
Mindy Cooper, ASLA, Landscape Architect, DWG.
Brian Miller, AIA, and Mark Olsen, AIA, Beck Architecture

Doors open -- with refreshments, snacks, and good conversation -- at 6:00pm. The evening's lecture begins at 6:45pm. 

This Month's Presentation: “Nightwing and the Water’s Edge: Emerging Ideas for Austin’s South Central Waterfront”

Come get an exclusive sneak peek at upcoming projects that will shape the future of Central Austin, just south of the river — long the geographic soul of our city.

The talk will center around the (currently temporary) Nightwing Plaza, named after Dale Whistler’s bat sculpture located on the median at Congress and Barton Springs, which is titled “Nightwing.” (See you already learned something.) This project, if made permanent, will provide a connective piece in the overall South Central Waterfront design.

The talk will also feature plans and insights in the soon-to-break-ground RiverSouth Building, which will replace the Hooter’s across from the Long Center.

Hosted by Articulture Designs and Scott Harvey of MaxAvenue Realty

Sponsored by Hay Legal Group, Hossley Lighting Associates, and Texas Sun & Shade

What to Expect at Architalks

Inspiration. Insight. Discussion. 

The talks are usually 45 minutes, with time for a few questions at the end. The talk is in the equally-inspiring Articulture gardens. So come early, relax, look around. Have a great time!

Wine and beer will be provided along with some snacks and soft drinks. The series is free, but you must RSVP as space is limited. (And if you RSVP early, but later discover you can't make it, please let us know so we can open up your seat.)

If the parking lot is full upon arrival, there is ample parking available here

RAIN DATE: We will have heaters. But in case of inclement weather, the rain date is set for the following evening, Weds, Dec 19.